St. Louis County MN Channels


 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Channel - Linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and is frequently used as a route for watercraft (passage, reach, strait, thoroughfare, throughfare). Not a Stream or Valley.
Displaying 1 to 17 of 17 records
Birch Narrows
Birch River Narrows
Blind Indian Narrows
Blind Pig Channel
Brule Narrows
Fish Stake Narrows
Kempton Channel
King Williams Narrows
Little Vermilion Narrows
Muskrat Channel
Namakan Narrows
North Channel
Oak Narrows
Squirrel Narrows
Superior Entry Channel
The Narrows
Wakemup Narrows
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